Who killed JFK and Bobby Kennedy?

It’s all documented. You just have to have the guts to read it because our government has been in the doghouse for 100 years. We have to do something about it.

RFKJr. has asked for secret service protection 5 times and has been denied. He is a legitimate candidate for POTUS. It is illegal for them to deny him coverage. But because there is still a CIA vendetta against the whole family, like the mafia, they are denying it. That’s how our government t is run. And we think we can have a legal election? We’ve never had a legal election. Accept that.

I’ve been reading “JFK, And The Unspeakable. Why He Died and Why it Matters” by James W. Douglass. I was reading parts of it before, but now I’m reading it more deeply in light of this. Please click.

Most of the Kennedy family has renounced RFK, Jr. candidacy because he is an Independent and may reveal family secrets since he is a recovered addict. They have openly endorsed Biden… because…? They have to or their lives are threatened by the left C@#$%? My intuition. I have no facts.

I found a remarkable synchronicity in the chronology spiral of time from page xxi-xxxi at the beginning of the book. The 3D dates are January 17, 1961-November 24, 1963. The day after Eisenhower gave his departing speech about “beware the rise in power of “the military-industrial complex”, it was January 18, 1961. That is Blue 1 Eagle, mediated by Jupiter, the number 5, the Pentagon, the ICC on Jupiter. The LAST day of this chronology when LBJ took office on 11/24/63 was ALSO Blue 1 Magnetic Eagle. These assassinations of JFK, Bobby, Martin, and Malcom X were all THE VISION of corporate American back then to profit from the War Machine.

“I hope that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.”-JFK Inaugural Address on 1/20/61

Add to that possible roles of the Catholic Church, sex trafficking, pedophilia, and illegal immigration sponsored by the CIA, Dem leaders, and the Catholic Church.

The CIA-FBI vendetta against the Kennedy’s was and still is mafia-like. But the Dems are mafia-like. They’re an invading alien force that will fly any flag and defend any citizen except an American. They would rather burn the flag than fly it.

JFK’s assassination occurred during the Cold War with Russia, tensions with Cuba, and a desire on his and Bobby’s part to pull out of Vietnam. The Kennedy’s wanted peace, not more war and unnecessary bloodshed. For that they were assassinated by our National Security State. CIA and FBI.

There is no money to make if there is peace. The corporate mandate on this planet is profit paid for by human blood and suffering, and the Democratic party is the pusher. JFK and his brother disagreed with the Democratic Party mandate and tried to make peace. It’s documented in the book I highlighted above, and I’m reading it.

Here are some segments.

Page 369. He was killed by covert action agencies and the conspiracy was covered up by them. The national security state is CIA-FBI
Look at note 873 documentation below
Wayne January and Matthew Smith knew the CIA’s plan
Page 371

The middle section is where he said the plan was to kill any Kennedy who runs for president. RFKJr. is doing just that, knows about this vendetta, and is doing it anyway. I would do the same thing. There are worse things than death. Living with a government that is CORRUPT to its core and teaches war, sickness, causes illness on purpose, starts wars for profit, and celebrates early death erroneously.

All of this matters because it’s still happening and the apparatus is still in place to assassinate, literally or figuratively, any candidate who does not bow to the left’s mandate of corruption. In addition, they make sure elections are rigged to their benefit.

The ScR Frequency

In F1 on the surface in the midnight time gateway, we are clocking 8.6hz alpha. That’s the highest F1 reading I’ve seen for surface dwellers.

Synchronicity Today-Saturday

7Methionine, the Maya symbol is Red 7 Resonant Moon Mulac.

We enter a new HF48 today; A Planetary Process to formulate FREE WILL to achieve MANIFESTATION as we move to Yellow 10 Planetary Human (Humans that execute and manifest their vision) over 4 days.

“Vision without execution is hallucination.”-Henry Ford.

He was White 5 Radiant Mirror so his visions were radiant to that point and he achieved much. But his Guide Power was radiant death/change 5WorldBridger so there is the impetus to manifest. What is your guide power? Check it today. Mine is Cosmic Synchronicity 13Earth. I am 100% convinced that the planet needs to understand their personal synchronicity in the matrix to improve their lives. It’s never wrong and would decrease the mountains of error in incorrect time on Earth. It’s not a virtue to make constant mistakes.

The overarching YiChing is 52-The Keeping Still Mountain/Meditation

The binary code streaming from this is 001001. Ok then. That’s the interpretation of the symbol in the upper corner. But Leibniz saw that as blind math, and now it controls our planet with computer chips programmed like this. The DNA nucleotide it translates to is TCG or Serine amino acid. This nucleotide is 4 kin composed of 5 amino acids and 2 hertz level tones each. I have to expand his god-like worshiped binary 3D prison duality of fallacy computer code. He thought GOD was 0 and 1. Error.

The Chinese never taught that about the YiChing hexagrams. I suppose in the 17th century, with their culturist bias that still exists today, he wasn’t about to ask them what their ancient oracle meant. It means life, source, us, and evolution, and it needs to be programmed into everything.

TIMEspace Sync

Mediating 4D time is 7Mercury, Neptune, Pluto, and Earth. This is 7~7pulse in sync with F2 in the Magnetosphere.

F2 is the yellow line. At the moment, all the frequencies are beta-alpha hz. Even F1 is alpha regularly now, not theta 7.83hz. Nada.
  • Today’s Sagittarius Moon is enthusiastic and idealistic. We’re more optimistic and forward-looking with this transit. We may feel compelled to state our truth and tend to go big with our ideas, ethics, beliefs, causes, and promotions. The Sagittarius Moon encourages us to explore, learn, and discover. We can thoroughly enjoy a sense of mission now–we want to make or do something special today.
  • However, with Venus semi-sextile Mars, we might struggle with whether to take a direct or indirect approach to getting what we want. We may be better off recognizing that it doesn’t have to be one way or the other–a combination would be ideal, or else the see-sawing can be confusing to all.

The 5gforce for meditation 🧘‍♂️ ✨️

I channel in order to play. Inspiring illusion I seal the process of magic with the resonant tone of attunement. I am guided by the power of abundance. I am a galactic activation portal. FOCUS!

Kin 111-Blue 7 Resonant Monkey

Resonant tone of Attunement

Achieving organic balance allows you to start channeling attunement. Attunement is a direct experience of aligning one’s own bodies. A person who is not tuned in to harmony feels discomfort and dissatisfaction. Tone 7 also teaches us to recognize the resonance of people and phenomena. Without learning how to conduct their strict selection, it is impossible to enjoy the fruits of such attunement. Laying channels of energy from your resonant center, you will begin to give peace and grace to the world. This is a natural way to release the mystical power of inspiration.


Every planet has auroras because every planet has a magnetosphere because every planet has their own timing coordinates for their evolution to keep them on the cosmic circuits. This is axiomatic.

It’s only on earth that people have no clue about their proper timing coordinate because of the extraordinary evil heisting all of our energy dating back thousands of years. The combination of religion, government, and tech is trying to kill off humans, yet we persist.

The Feds Report

GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH (G1): One or more CMEs could graze Earth on April 26-27, sparking a minor G1-class geomagnetic storm. The CMEs were hurled into space earlier this week by explosive activity in sunspot super-group AR3638-50. CME impact alerts: SMS Text

GLOBAL AURORAS ON MARS: Earth isn’t the only planet with auroras. Mars has them, too–on a global scale.

“Mars is experiencing its greatest level of auroral activity in the past 10 years,” says Nick Schneider of the University of Colorado’s Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP). “In February alone, there were three episodes of global auroras–an ‘aurora hat trick’ we’ve never seen before.”

Orbiting high above Mars, NASA’s MAVEN spacecraft recorded the auroras on 3-4 Feb, 7-10 Feb and 15-16 Feb. This animation shows the last two of these episodes in a looping time series:

Spaceweather.com actually predicted some of these events, prompted by SOHO coronagraph observations of CMEs heading toward Mars. “Your predictions came true!” says Schneider.

Schneider leads the team for MAVEN’s Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph (IUVS), the instrument that detected the auroras. All the purple pixels in the animation are a false color representation of the aurora’s ultraviolet glow. Martian auroras probably have a visible light component, too, but MAVEN’s cameras are not able to see them.

Here on Earth we would love it if auroras were global. Seeing Northern Lights with equal ease from the equator and the poles would check off a lot of bucket lists. Be careful what you wish for, though. Martian auroras can be global because the Red Planet has almost no protection from solar storms. It lacks an Earth-like magnetic field, so particles from the sun penetrate its atmosphere with ease–everywhere.

The dramatic auroras of February 2024 were caused by “SEPs”–solar energetic particles. SEPs are accelerated by shock waves within approaching CMEs. When they strike Mars’s atmosphere, they cause it to glow.

“Mars is currently getting hit by roughly 1 to 2 CMEs every month, bringing a hefty supply of SEPs,” says Rebecca Jolitz, a member of the MAVEN Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) instrument team at UC Berkeley’s Space Sciences Lab. “However, a CME doesn’t actually have to hit to be effective. SEPs coming in sideways from ‘remote CMEs’ can light up the skies as well.”

Schneider and Jolitz are looking forward to the months ahead. “Solar Cycle 25 is far from over, and we expect many more CME strikes,” Schneider says. “This will give us a chance to study how solar storms affect the atmosphere of Mars–a key goal of the MAVEN mission. It’s the kind of fun we’ve been waiting for!”

Extra: Schneider notes that SEPs aren’t the only way to make auroras on Mars. Protons in the solar wind and magnetic reconnection can do the trick, too, producing their own forms and colors. Stay tuned for more stories about the rich variety of Martian auroras as Solar Cycle 25 unfolds.

Synchronicity Today-Friday

6Leucine. The Maya symbol is Yellow 6 Rhythmic Star

TIMEspace Sync

Moving in time is 6Venus 3x, Neptune, and 8Mars

  • The Moon spends the day in the sign of Sagittarius, inspiring us to seek knowledge and experience. This moon transit is exploratory, philosophical, and spontaneous. Our focus turns outward, and we set our sights high. Optimism is one of the positive traits of this position; neglecting to see the essential details of a plan is a potential weakness. We connect with our imagination and intuition and draw on our internal wisdom today.
    We’re cooperative and sensitive in our decision-making.
  • Also, today, we enjoy a Venus-Chiron parallel, and we tend to seek meaningful or spiritual connections and readily tap into our stores of compassion and imagination. It can be a romantic or creative time, and it’s a good time to resolve to repair, heal, and improve relationships. (This is in exact sync with our 3 kin mediated by Venus; Yellow Star, Blue Monkey, and Star again as guide power.

5gforce for uplevel

I harmonize in order to influence. Modeling wisdom, I seal the process of free will with the galactic tone of integrity. I am guided by the power of intelligence. I am a galactic activation portal. Focus!

Kin 112-Yellow 8 Human

6-Rhythmic tone of Equality

Radiance opens the way for equality and balance. Achieving balance is the greatest task of the warrior of the spirit, defining all areas of his life – from health to relationships. Balancing every moment will require constant vigilance, for change is a property of life itself. Therefore, we must constantly check with its realities, keeping an eye on the balance of our approaches. Tone 6 also teaches us organization, in the broadest sense of the word. The path to this is the realization of one’s original equality with other people.


Electric Tone 3 in the QFactor is pulsing in beta again.

Synchronicity Today-Thursday-4/26/24

Earth. Our Home and millions of other species home as well.

Mercury stations direct today. I’ve had a lovely time as an Aries sun with it retrograde through my sign.

Mercury mediates Red Moon~White Dog tribes which are the Start codon Methionine and Aspartic acid in DNA sequencing.

Amino acid protein Isoleucine is evolving in a focused manner as time in our bodies.


Isoleucine is the oxygen-carrying pigment inside of red blood cells and helps to make hemoglobin. It is also helpful in controlling blood sugar, boosting energy, and improving endurance. Isoleucine is known to help speed healing of injured muscle and support muscle development and lean body mass. (Synchronicity with the ancient Maya attributed to Manik, Blue Hand)

Spacetime Sync

Planets moving in 4D time are Earth, Jupiter, Uranus, and Maldek.

  • The Moon spends much of the day (until 9:38 PM EDT) in the sign of Scorpio.
  • Its opposition to Jupiter and Uranus temporarily places us on the other side of our recent innovations. We could encounter resistance from others or from within. However, these surprising events and resistance can be seen as opportunities for personal growth and understanding, mainly through our relationships and the illumination of a different perspective. This energy is rebellious and touchy, especially if we feel constrained. We may need to deal with distractions and feelings of discontent, which could lead to unexpected tangents. Disruptions now may prompt a desire to explore motivations and understand meanings. (This aspect is in sync with our guide power 5Blue Eagle mediated by Jupiter and our antipode Red 4 Earth mediated by Uranus. Our perspective might be out of sync.)
  • Mercury stations and turns direct today after retrograde motion since April 1st. This shift brings with it the potential for improved communication and decision-making. Over the coming weeks, problems we may have encountered while Mercury was retrograde should start to improve. The answers we’ve been waiting for can arrive. Plans or projects that have stalled might now resume. However, energies that are hard to make sense of can flood our consciousness as the change takes place today such that critical decision-making might be avoided for the time being, as our thinking can be temporarily skewed. It’s not yet a time of keen judgment as we don’t have all the details. However, clarity is coming, and things are moving forward.
  • The Moon heads into daring Sagittarius at 9:38 PM EDT, where it will transit until Sunday morning. This transition brings with it a sense of hope and possibility, opening our minds to new ideas and experiences. We can feel wonderfully optimistic about the future.
  • The Moon is void from 7:17 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Neptune), until the Moon enters Sagittarius at 9:38 PM EDT.

From cafeastrology.com

5gforce for uplevel

I pulse in order to explore. Realizing wakefulness I seal the output of space with the solar tone of intention. I am guided by the power of universal water. I am a galactic activation portal. FOCUS!


Three layers of the Van Allen Belts are visible,  four tones in each layer for a total of twelve. These are SOUND measured at hertz levels.

There is a fourth belt that they either don’t see or don’t want to see that takes us up to 4D. I call it the cosmic layer. C1 is Tone 13. Then, C2, 3, and 4 would be Tones 14, 15, and 16. We are a long distance from awareness of those. Just sayin’.

All is pulsing low for now.

Leibniz on Binary Code

IChing Hexagram 14-Possession in great measure-Soverignty. It overarches HF4 of the the Maya Oracle. It’s composed of 6 lines, not 2.

In DNA sequence it translates AAC or Lysine. The hexagrams are amino acid nucleotides, not 0 and 1. Although, they may match the + and – part of the Oracle that is Electron and Proton. I don’t know yet. I just know they aren’t dualistic digits intended for computer code.

Footnote 37 on page 21 of “Leibniz on Binary”

“An alternative view, that Leibniz’s work was largely irrelevant to the development of the modern binary computer, has been asserted forcefully by Bernhard Dotzler:

  • Structurally, the back-projection of computer binarism into the dyadic is almost the same story as the former identification of the system of binary numbers with the Yijing. Since its hexagrams are made up of only two elements-the whole and the broken line, they can formally be described as a binary system. (there are actually SIX lines-L.T.) However, this former interpretation is as wrong in terms of content as the updated one is in functional terms.” (Dotzler 2010, 29)
  • “So one could say that with dyadics, esotericism was once set against esotericism: the esotericism of the dyadic penetration of creation against the esotericism of the Yijing interpretation, which had been declared false. To remember this, of course, cannot aim at bringing the associated metaphysics back into pay. It is only a matter of keeping in focus this formerly different purpose of the binary number system: namely esoteric, and not cybernetics. Before it was seized by the binarism of information technology, the dyadic was an ontological instrument of understanding. Accordingly, it characterizes a functionality that may differ only minimally from the binary of the computer, but one which is fundamentally different.” (Dotzler 2010, 31)
  • “With this, however, the dyadic stands for a paradox, which then counteracts the myth of its anticipatory conspiracy with the binary of the computer, with cybernetics and digital arithmetic. The formal does not correspond to a functional correspondence, and that means: the equation of the binarism of today with the dyadic of yore is actually—-fiction.” (Dotzler 2010, 33)

Time Warp Manifested…

The last point is amazing in it’s synchronicity with the fact of the time warp of 3D 12:60 defining reality and binary code with TODAY, with now, 13:20 is fiction. The binary code of today embedded in NVIDIA chips and all of our tools, with Leibniz dyadic binary code of the past is fiction. It’s just wrong. 3D, 12:60 time is wrong! Yet it controls our narrative and thus our mindsets, AI, and all tech. Nobody knows any different.

I do. Nada. It needs to be fixed.

Oh, but I’ll keep reading to parse it out since everyone thinks he was a god.

We entered YiChing 36 Yesterday

Please note the IChing hexagram/trigram in the upper right hand corner. This is the symbol Leibniz looked at and saw 0 and 1. The dashes mean 0 to him and the full one means 1. That’s not correct but at least he was on to electron and proton or the binary nature of the harmonic.

The Chinese, who created the I Ching oracle never ascribed the 0 and 1 meaning. THIS READING is what they said it meant. This is far more complex which is the same as the harmonic. That means MORE NUMBERS to expand our mindset.

I’ve deciphered not only the complexity of the IChing oracle but merged it with the multidimensional harmonic. Our mindset and tools are far, far, behind. Thus our society is imploding.

Check this out. My friend Tasha just sent it to me. More research to do. I just texted her that I didn’t thing the Tomsk ScR station could see Tone 13 in the Van Allen Belts nor can the astrologers see it in the sky. Or they don’t want to see it?

Synchronicity Today-Wednesday-4/25/24

Mercury Stations direct tomorrow on auspicious Blue 5 Hand, a radiant healing time gateway as we move into a new future together in all of our diversity. Today, we are very focused on working and finishing something.

Evolving amino acid 4 threonine

Spacetime Sync

4Mars, Uranus, Saturn, and 10 Jupiter are moving in time. The planets below are creating the 3D hologram we call reality on earth. Life is just a movie projection. 3D life is but a dream just as the song says. But who we love and what we learn is real. Tell the truth, be yourself, do good.

  • The Moon spends the day in Scorpio, and we’re interested in discovering deeper truths and motives. This moon draws us to transformative and emotionally engaging experiences. (Scorpio co-ruler is Mars, which mediates Worldbridger~Skywalker roday)
  • Its trine to Saturn is grounding and stabilizing. We want to be productive, and taking responsibility is not only empowering, but it comes naturally. (Saturn mediates our antipode challenge today, 4 Warrior. We need to be independent in our critical thinking, especially about our own relationships. Feel it out. You don’t need to discuss it with ten people who are not IN your relationship. You are.)
  • On this day before Mercury’s direct station, however, there can be some confusion with directions and interpretations, suggesting some need to wait and see.
  • Venus is in Aries, so you can be brave and direct in your relationships, and the Sun is in Taurus, so consider body and money needs.


Our Taurus sun is square the ruler of our Scorpio moon, Pluto. It’s very important to deal with your own feelings and know what they are. Fortunately, Pluto is not moving in our time portal today, so it’s superficial. Notice how it mentions healing, which I mentioned before this, about tomorrow. So do the work today, and with Mercury going direct, you can change how your destiny manifests.

5gforce for uplevel of mind-body

I perfect in order to enchant. Producing receptivity, I seal the output of timelessness  with the planetary tone of manifestation. I am guided by the power of spirit. I am a galactic activation portal. Focus!

Kin 114-White 10 Wizard


The Qfactor layers are acting up again, especially in tones 1 and 3, magnetic and electric, Q4 and Q2. This pushes electromagnetic energy on the surface.

Brainstorming the New Expanded Computer Code

I just happened to open up to page 197 of my Leibniz book on binary code and saw how he translated the YiChing Trigrams to 0 and 1. I knew that some years ago after studying Jose Arguelles work in Earth Ascending. But then I figured out the one to one translation of the harmonic with the Yi Ching trigrams. I did that about 7 years ago. It was a magical day.

Each YiChing trigram overarches one Mayan Harmonic Family of 4 kin or 4 days. There are 65 of those in a 260 day cycle.

Each kin/day consists of 5 amino acids and 2 different tones. Just add the components.

That first sum is 28 which are the number of days in each of the 13 Moon/lunar cycles in a solar year and the number of days per Moon in the 13 Moon calendar. So far we’ve expanded 2 (0 and 1) to 28. There is more.

Once I get the math organized, our code should easily expand from 0-1 to 0-9 or 19, it depends. That is binary to nonary. The Harmonic embodies the 0-19 code. It’s very cool.

Binary, 0 and 1, has helped us realize 4 dimensions and just the DNA double helix. 2 to the power of 3 or 2x2x2 should be the ratio of expansion which is the binary triplet configuration in the harmonic. This might not be that difficult to set the foundation.

There is a problem here (notice the binary 0 and 1. Our brains are part of our bodies. The head isn’t separate from the body and the brain doesn’t RUN the body. This isn’t HOLISTiC. This is separatist and reductionist which is Newtonian horse and buggy.

Our intelligence is in our ENTIRE BODY, not just the brain. OUR BODIES ARE OUR MIND. The mind is not IN the brain. Every holistic knows this. The CNS is the brain and spine which run the QI of timelessness, first of all. Second, the brain and spine are ONE with the rest of the body. There is no separation. And the entire Maya Harmonic OVERLAYS the entire body so that the body and the earth are expressions of the math or the harmonic. That’s why I say our bodies ARE time. TIME IS DNA.

Once I get that done, the computer programmers will need to set about writing a new version of the existing computer languages which will expand our minds, which will expand what our tools understand about time and the universe. This is all copyrighted of course as all my work is.😎💃


A SUPER-SYMPATHETIC SOLAR FLARE: Four solar flares at once? Believe it. During the early hours of April 23rd, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory watched four regions on the sun separated by hundreds of thousands of kilometers explode simultaneously. Play the movie and pay attention to the circled areas:

THE SUN, which is helping us evolve and live and sets the alignment of our time harmonic. Humans can’t control it, thankfully.

Play the movie!

The quadruple blast included three sunspots (small circles) and a magnetic filament (big circle). This is called a “sympathetic solar flare.” Sympathetic flares are pairs of explosions that occur almost simultaneously in different active regions. The widely-separated regions appear to be unrelated to one another but, in fact, they are linked by nearly-invisible magnetic loops in the sun’s corona. This allows instabilities to rapidly travel from one to another, creating a chain reaction of explosions.

Today’s sympathetic flare was not a simple pair but a full-fledged quartet, making it super-sympathetic. So much of the sun was involved, it’s likely that at least some of the debris will be Earth-directed. Stay tuned for updates about a possible CME. CME impact alerts: SMS Text

Synchronicity? By Lisa T.

Our guide power is super sympathetic Red 3 Electric Moon; universal feelings, electrified. In addition, the Scorpio full moon will activate tonight. Our 3 Serpent mantra is about survival, bonding instinct and sealing Life Force. Humans have been struggling with our limbic reptilian brain for quite a while and now we are moving into activation of the neo-cortex with the advent of the new generation of kids for the Age of Aquarius. I recommend listening and learning from them instead of trying to project OUR PAST as an older generation on to them.